Lost Sheep Cavalry


About us

Our ministry is growing to include the use of pets and community service training. So whether you're interested in our children's ministry, women's ministry, biker ministry, our church, Bible Studies, or even the growth and development of our smallest Lamb patrol member She'Rah the cat who is being groomed to be a theraphy pet to the hurting once she's fully grown and certified. We also partner with other ministries and non-profits to help the hurting because someone must stand in the gap. Some one must go out to the people.


This is why the LSCMI is also a local provider of The American Red Cross health training.


The LSCMI motto is: " To follow the Son, searching for His lost to show them the way home". We do this in many ways. During the Covid climate most of our work is done in social media but we are still serving. Some of us are focused on the children involved in the Lamb Patrol teaching English as the children learn about God in Cambodia and sharing Christ here in America as well. 



Our vision is to help the hurting by meeting their spiritual needs and being the hands and feet of Christ. In order to do that in this climate of isolation, loneliness, and pending dangers we strive to teach and share Christ as well as meet physical needs through teaching and empowerment. 


Following Christ NOT traditions.